Friday, November 27, 2009

How do you delete all favorites in IE?

I want to import a bookmark file from firefox in an effort to overwrite the current list in IE.

IE allows a folder or single favorite delete, but not a complete delete of all favorites at once; that I can see anyway.

How do you delete all favorites in IE?windows registry

Go to:

c:\documents and settings\(your login name)\Favorites

or if you don't understand that

Right click My Computer



Documents and Settings

Your user login


Then delete them from that folder (Folder probably looks like a star)

How do you delete all favorites in IE?ie 6 internet explorer

open computer

navigate to

C:/Documents and Settings/(Your user name)/Favorites

C:/Users/(your user name)/Favorites in vista

all the favorites should be in there

just delete them all
You could always move them all into a folder and delete that.

To delete all the favorite entries you have to access the folder favorites located at "username" folder under documents and settings...

For ex. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites

is the folder for user- Administrator and the operating system is installed in C: drive.

Please change related user name and drive to access your favorite folder and you'll be able to delete all entries of favorites of your Internet Explorer.

I hope this will help you

go to:

"C:\Documents and Settings\your_user\Favorites"

and delete links on the right.

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